I've always been interested in writing ever since I was young. I haven't been as focused on writing the past couple of years. But I've been focusing more and more on my writing recently. Lately, I try to write every day if possible. One of the things I learned in my screenwriting classes at UCSB was to aim for an average of three pages a day, which is entirely doable. I think the problem a lot of writers have is they have an"all or nothing" mentality, saying to themselves "If I don't write 30 pages this week, I'm a loser." By setting your goals too high, you set yourself up for failure. And this consistent writing has been good for me so far. I'm over halfway through the first draft of a screenplay I started writing this summer. I hope to have it finished by the end of this month. If not, it's not the end of the world. I will keep writing until I am finished.
Let's hope that this can take me to the next level in my ability and professionalism as a writer. As much as I love international film sales, I need a creative outlet beyond designing posters and email blasts. Wish me luck!