While I normally enjoy chocolate coated or filled donuts, it's nice once and a while to have a nice simple glazed donut. Plus I can fool myself that it's somewhat healthy since it doesn't have any chocolate.
So the big thing on my mind is MIPTV. In eight days, I will be getting on a plane to fly to the south of France for MIPTV. I've been to Cannes before for the film festival, but this is the first time I am going with my new company. It's also the first time I am going solely to sell. So it's both exciting and scary at the same time.
If you aren't familiar with MIPTV, it's one of the two big international TV markets that take place in Cannes during the year. The first is MIPTV in April and the second is MIPCOM in October. It's a TV market, so the dress is very professional with everyone in a suit and tie. It's not like the wild west vibe of AFM or the Cannes Film Market.
We'll see how I do once I get back. I've been doing a ton of research on broadcasters. I know more that I care to about Scandinavian broadcasters. But they say that research is the difference between a good salesman and a great salesman. I'm just lucky I get paid to travel the world and talk to people, the two things I love to do the most, right behind watching movies and sex.
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