Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writing, writing, writing.

Haven't been blogging a lot of the past few months, simply due to overwhelming workload. Between working full time and the UCLA screenwriting program, I have very little time for anything else.

But I have gotten a lot done on the writing side. So far I have finished the rewrite of Dead Joan and it's currently out to a couple of people for their feedback. I'm also about 40 pages into the first draft of Run For The Money, a heist movie that I am writing for class. I'd have more written but they only want you to do 10 pages a week, which takes me about two days to write. (Or one day if I am on a deadline.) I also have a sci-fi action film that I started writing over the holidays, I'm about 38 pages into that one. The title is a secret. I'll just call it AFC for now.

My writing schedule is pretty intense. I write two hours a night Mon-Thursday and about 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday, which gives me Friday as my night off if I want it. Although I sometimes write that day as well. This week was a little different. I wrote Friday night and took Saturday off.

I'm really enjoying it. Although I am not sure I can keep up this schedule indefinitely. It's pretty intense. I think taking some time off to do rewriting is probably useful. By this summer, I should have 3, maybe 4 scripts that are completed. Of course, they'll still need to be rewritten. But that's for another day.

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