Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Some Old Scripts

Just for fun, I thought I'd go back over some of my previous attempts at feature film screenplays. I'm currently doing my first internal rewrite of my latest script and thought it would be fun to go back over what has gone past. So here goes:

1. Down The Road - My first feature length film script. I wrote this in college. It was a road movie and it is embarrassingly bad. I rewrote it several times but it ultimately went nowhere.

2. Reflectors - Kinda of a quirky indie comedy about a love triangle between a guy, a girl, and a male Japanese exchange student. I wrote this during a class I took at AFI. Finished a couple rewrites but could never get the ending right.

3. We Always Lie To Ourselves - A big sprawling film about a group of college students coming to terms with what happened the night before during a raucous college party. I think I wrote this because I had seen Pulp Fiction and was playing with non-linear storytelling. Wrote several scenes and a sprawling treatment. But never finished a full draft.

4. Evil Is Never Fun - Trippy film about a guy trying to find a girl that goes missing after having a one night stand with her. I wrote several scenes but never got past the first Act. I modified this opening for the novel I started writing.

5. The Hunt - Basically two lost souls in the city find each other. Basically Barfly in the 90s. Wrote about 30 pages then lost interest.

6. The Summer Of Our Discontent - A quirky comedy based on a short script I wrote in one of my screenplay classes in college. That short script wound up becoming my short film Coffee. I've still thought about going back and writing this one. Got as far as a treatment and that's it.

7. Glamour - Stupid idea for a film I had about a female singer leading a double life. Never got past a short synopsis.

8. Art Murder Film - Came up with this idea in high school about a painter who kills women and paints with their blood. Kind of a stupid idea that didn't go anywhere.

9. Carjacking Pirates - I still love this idea we came up with in high school about a bowling team called The Pirates that got hit on the heads while bowling and thought they were real life pirates. It was a slapstick comedy about a bunch of pirates that instead of sailing the seas, they would sail the highways and take over other cars. I still think it has potential. Maybe one day I'll write it.

So there you have it. I'm sure there are dozens of other ideas I've had that I've never developed. Just thought it would be fun to list them all in one place.

Am I worried about people stealing these ideas? Not really. These ideas aren't that original. And it's the execution not the idea that counts in this industry.

PS. This doesn't include any scripts I am currently working on. I have probably a dozen more in the hopper, including the one I am currently working on. And there's that novel I've been working on as well...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

100 Movies in 2010

I made a point of keeping track of every movie that I have watched this year and where I watched it. Since I travel a lot, I do watch movies on the plane quite a bit. Plus I watched a bunch of movies on Netflix Instant. I made no indication of the quality. I'm not a critic, so I don't do film reviews. Here's the list:

54 DVD
2012 Airplane
A Single Man Theater
Alice In Wonderland Theater
All Boys Film Festival
American Psycho DVD
Art School Confidential DVD
Assassination of Jesse James DVD
Bear City Film Festival
Being There On Demand
Best Worst Movie Theater
Big Fan On Demand
Bitter Feast Film Festival
Black Dynamite DVD
Blade DVD
BlowUp DVD
Broken Embraces Theater
Brotherhood Of The Wolf DVD
Brothers Bloom DVD
Bruno DVD
Cactus Flower Airplane
Charlie Bartlett DVD
Children of Men DVD
Chocolate On Demand
Code 46 DVD
Contempt DVD
Creatures From The Pink Lagoon On Demand
District B13 DVD
Domino DVD
Election (2005)
On Demand
Everything is Illuminated DVD
eXistenZ DVD
Eyes Wide Open Film Festival
F For Fake On Demand
Factotum DVD
Fantastic Mr. Fox Airplane
Fisher King On Demand
Funny Games DVD
Futurama: Bender's Big Score On Demand
Girl Who Played With Fire Theater
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Theater
Grey Gardens DVD
Grey Gardens (2010) DVD
Helvetica On Demand
Howl Film Festival
Hurt Locker Airplane
Inception Theater
Inglorious Basterds DVD
Inside Deep Throat On Demand
Into The Wild DVD
Invention Of Lying Airplane
Jules and Jim DVD
Kick Ass Theater
Layercake DVD
Le Samurai DVD
Lord of War DVD
Machete Theater
Maxed Out On Demand
Mothman On Demand
Once DVD
Out At Annapolis Film Festival
Outrage DVD
Outsourced On Demand
Paranormal Activity Airplane
Paris Je T'Aime DVD
Parting Glances On Demand
Peaceful Warrior On Demand
Plaguers DVD
Ponyo DVD
Pop Star On Ice TV
Pursuit Of Happyness DVD
Rock N Rolla DVD
Running Scared DVD
Salt Theater
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Theater
Second Skin On Demand
Session 9 On Demand
Shutter Island Theater
Sicko DVD
Sukiyaki Western Django DVD
The Crazies DVD
The Expendables Theater
The Fountain DVD
The King Of Kong On Demand
The Machinist DVD
The Men Who Stare At Goats DVD
The Modernism of Julius Schulman On Demand
The Naked Civil Servant On Demand
The Warlords Theater
The Wrestler DVD
Transsiberian DVD
Trick R Treat DVD
Tropic Thunder DVD
Underworld Evolution DVD
We Live In Public On Demand
Word Wars On Demand
Wristcutters DVD
Zack and Miri Make A Porno DVD